How to create a new Google Account 2024

Creating a new Google Account is a very easy and simple process if you have basic knowledge of internet use. A Google account offers you several services Such as YouTube, Gmail, Google Drive, and many more which are countless. Here is a complete list of Google products and Services. Remember once you create a Google account a Gmail email address will be created.

Learn how to create a new google account

Follow these Steps to create a new Google Account for You

1. Open your web browser on your mobile or PC. I recommend you use Google Chrome. The procedure on both devices is almost the same.

2. Now type and hit Enter or tap on the Go button on your mobile.

typing in address bar

3. On the next page, click the Sign in button in the top right corner.

click sign in button

How to Create a New Google Account

4. Here your account creation process will be started. Click On Create Account.

click on create account

5. After Clicking on Create Account Select an Account type that suits you. Choose one or them For my personal use > For my Child > For work or my business.

choose an account type

Please Note! Ask Your Parents to create a Google account if you are under 13 years old.

6. Let’s Start with For my personal use. Enter Your First Name and Last Name. The last name is an optional field so you can leave it empty. Click on the Next Button.

enter first name and last name

7. Please Provide Some basic information about yourself like Date of Birth and Gender(Male, Female, or something else.)

Please Enter your Personal information like date of birth and gender

8. Choose a Gmail address for you from the given suggestions. An amazing thing you can customize your Gmail address if you don’t like suggestions just click on Create your own email address. You may get your desired email address if it is not taken already.

9. Create a Strong Password to prevent your account from being lost. Use a Combination of Capital letters, Small letters, Numbers, and symbols. Make sure it is difficult to guess for others. Never use things like your name and address.

10. Add a recovery email so you can recover your account easily if you forget your password. However, this is an optional security layer you can skip it. Sometimes you may asked to enter your phone number to verify your identity. Phone number verification is mandatory but not every time.

11. Review your account information and click on Next.

12. Agree To the terms of use of Google service.

Congratulations 🎉 You Have created Your New Google Account successfully.

google hame page with created account


Creating a Google Account is not a difficult task now in this modern age. Even this is a like-baby task. But we have write a complete blog post step by step because we want to start from scratch everything for beginners. if you have any questions query or suggestions please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you every time.

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